How to handle an overloaded air conditioner

It is uncomfortable situation when suddenly your air conditioner breaks down, and then you lose all the benefits of your previously relax and comfortable situation with the fresh and cool air that was making your room a nice place to relax in before it turns to a sweat box.

But wait don’t be afraid, it is really easy to bring back your funny moments just follow the steps mentioned below to fix this problem:

First you should know that every air conditioner has a kind of safety mechanisms which helps to avoid any harm to the unit.

The main role of safety mechanisms is to  turn off the system when the temperature reaches highly degrees.  The pressure increases in your system and as a result of this the unit turns off on high pressure.

So here are some simple and basic steps to follow in order to fix or to prevent such problem:

First be sure that there is enough shade over your air conditioner, of course without restricting the space where the air should flow around the unit.

Second, if the problem persists bring a sprinkler and use it to cover the back of the coil on the outside unit with a fine mist.

This will help to get rid of the high pressure in the system and bring back your air conditioner to its normal status, this is a nice trick especially in hot days and when you have company at home.

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